"You Fathers"
.. provoke not your children to anger; but bring them up in the discipline and correction of the Lord. Ephesians. 6:4
God has called fathers to lead out in their family life. Along with times of blessing, this may include a variety of challenges and tests. It is the goal, over the next ten weeks, prompt fathers to think seriously about their calling from God and encourage them to rise in faithfulness to Him. God richly blesses any father who will follow Him in leading his family in the ways of Truth. While I am focused on fathers, mothers are invited to study and read these lessons as well. Truly family life is a team effort with father taking the lead and mother being a “help meet” to stand alongside of her husband. It is strongly encouraged that fathers give careful attention to each lesson and the questions.
- Lesson 1 - Understanding the Call to Fatherhood
- Lesson 2 - Leading by Example
- Lesson 3 - Leading in Family Worship
- Lesson 4 - Leading in Meeting Family Needs
- Lesson 5 - Leading in Child Development –Teaching
- Lesson 6 - Leading in Child Development – Discipline
- Lesson 7-Leading In Protecting The Home
- Lesson 8 – Meeting Your Children’s Spiritual Needs
- Lesson 9: Leading Children Through Adolescence And Youth
- Lesson 10: The Rewards Of Being A Faithful Father