What Are The Needs Of A Husband And Wife? PT 1

In Genesis 2:24, we read something that all married people need to pay heed to: “Wherefore a man shall leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife” This is not referring primarily to leaving one's parents physically (although that may also be necessary), but to be detached from them emotionally. Once a person is married, his marriage partner must be far more important to him then his parents. A married couple must make their family decisions in consultation with each other and not in consultation with their parents. There will be many more happy marriages, if every married person obeyed this command. Here is a commandment given by God, even before sin came into the world. It is in fact the very first commandment written in the Bible for us. Why did god put this as the very first commandment in Scripture? Because He Who ordained marriage knew the vital importance of this step. Yet many married couples have not understood its importance.

Also in chapter 2:24 God declares that, “a man shall leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife......and they shall be two in one flesh.”

This is a great mystery. One might assume that a man and woman would enter the covenant of marriage with a thorough understanding of one another’s needs and how to meet those needs. Usually, however, this is not the case.

Your spouse has many needs. Even if he or she is not consciously aware of all of these needs, when they are unmet, your spouse will exhibit sorrow, confusion, and frustration. As the Lord shows you how to meet these needs, you can avoid strife and prosper as “co-heirs of the grace of life” (I Peter 3:7).

Ask the Lord to give you understanding and sensitivity as you seek to meet the needs of your spouse. Ask God to give your spouse grace and wisdom to meet these needs in your life, through Christ. Give your expectations to the Lord, and ultimately trust Him to meet all your needs. There are seven basic Need of a Husband and Wife.

First, There are Seven Basic Needs of a Husband

  1. A man needs a wife who is loyal and supportive.

  2. A man needs a wife who honors his leadership.

  3. A man needs a wife who develops inward and outward beauty.

  4. A man needs a wife who will make appeals, not demands.

  5. A man needs a wife who understands his need for time alone with God.

  6. A man needs a grateful wife.

  7. A man needs a wife who will be praised by others.

Second, There are Seven Basic Needs of a Wife

  1. A wife needs a husband who demonstrates spiritual leadership.

  2. A wife needs to know she is meeting her husband’s vital needs.

  3. A wife needs a husband who cherishes her.

  4. A wife needs a husband who protects her.

  5. A wife needs to have intimate communication with her husband.

  6. A wife needs a husband who honors her.

  7. A wife needs a husband who invests in her life.

Marriage is a lifelong commitment to love each other, which includes meeting one another’s needs. Such a commitment demands faithfulness, endurance, and sacrifice. A husband and wife should always be striving to deepen their relationship with the Lord and with one another. Make it your goal to rely on God’s grace and wisdom as you seek to bring glory to God through your marriage.

What Are The Needs Of A Husband And Wife? PT1

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