Ye Father: Introduction

"Ye have ten thousand instructors....,[but] not many fathers," wrote the apostle Paul in I Corinthians 4:15.
While he was writing to a church about spiritual fathers, what would he say if he were were writing to homes? Would he not ask, "Where are the men, the real men, who are truly concerned about being faithful fathers to the next generation?"
When children and homes fail, how often is it because of delinquent or careless fathers? Homes desperately need fathers who are serious about there accountability to God for how they raise their children.
Fathering children for God is a tremendous work. No human being of himself has the ability or all the answers. It can only be done with the help and blessing of God, our heavenly Father.
Fathering is soul-searching and at times soul-wrenching, because it exposes a father's deficiencies as few other duties can. The only answer is to humbly beseech God to work in us and in our children to the saving of our souls and theirs. Certainly God must be praised for any success in this great work of fathering.