June 2024: Olive Tree

June 2024: Olive Tree

June 2024: Olive Tree


 Olive Tree

Volume IX/Issue 2/June 2024

From The Editorial Desk 



Generation Z

The generation, commonly known as Generation Z (11-26 year-olds), is coming of age now and what we are seeing is quite disturbing. Although not officially the “lost generation” which occurred at the turn of the 19th century, they are a generation that has lost a lot of things.

The central loss is the connection to their Creator.

The American Bible Society finds that less than 10% of these Z's are committed to reading the Bible regularly. This, of course, leads to the loss of a lot of other things: hope, personal identity, purpose, moral guidelines, peace in the storm, and on down the list.

They are also suffering from the impact of a deteriorating culture. Failure of parents to honor their marriage vows has left many of them in a single-parent (or grandparent) home. Only 38% said that they ate meals daily with their family growing up.

Confusion about who they are has become a big issue with this generation. The Gateway Pundit cites another disturbing study. An astounding 28% claimed to identify as lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, or transgender. Failure to recognize our connection with our Creator leaves people open to this kind of perversion.

Loss of emotional stability, diagnosed as mental illness, has become a huge issue. Forty-two percent of those surveyed had been diagnosed with a mental health condition. And these diagnoses are given nebulous names such as anxiety, depression, ADHD, and PTSD.

By abandoning the peace and hope that we have in Christ, it leaves them at the mercy of modern psychiatry and drugs that the pharmaceutical industry is only too glad to supply.

Widespread fear is another symptom created by the drum beat of doom. Impending climate disaster, higher grocery bills, university education that doesn’t match the job opportunities, etc., all contribute to a gloomy self-talk. “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he:” Proverbs 23:7.

Many times in scripture people were admonished to “fear not.” But it was usually followed by a reassurance of why they should not fear. If we look at the reasons people are fearful today, Satan has built an entire culture designed to foster fear.

He has been able to take away the biblical truth that we are of more value than the sparrows. Satan replaces that truth with evolution’s lie that we are just an accident that happened in an uncaring universe. This leaves the young people without purpose. What starts out as fear morphs into despair.

The high suicide rate is testimony of this despair. Suicide is the second leading cause of death in children 10 to 14, and young adults 20 to 34. So are the 100,000 deaths a year by opioid overdose.

Satan’s next lie is: “Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die.” The evidence is everywhere that the culture has bought this false promise. Every culture that has deteriorated in history ended in sensuality and debauchery. What are the young people to think when the White House glorifies transgenderism over the celebration of the resurrection of Christ?

The Bible points out that “Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.” Prov. 14:34. All of these depressing statistics tell us that we are in reproach. Another word for reproach is disgrace. It was only because of God’s favor that this nation had become the greatest nation in the history of the world.

When He lifts His favor, all kinds of bad things happen and our young people are suffering terribly. But we, as God’s people, have this solution. Only God’s love and forgiveness can heal the hearts and give them purpose and hope.

We as Catholics have work to do, when it comes to communicating that hope, forgiveness and love that God so desperately wants to give to these troubled young people.





YMCA has shamefully embraced LGBTQ+ ideology and should remove ‘Christian’ from its name

FREDERICKSBURG, Virginia (LifeSiteNews) — What’s in a name? In the case of the YMCA, American Life League is calling out the nonprofit for its disingenuity. Research published by American Life League’s Charity Watchlist highlights the incongruity between the name and the stated mission of the Young Men’s Christian Association and the 180-year-old organization’s current policies, programs, and June focus on “pride month.” 

The stated mission of the YMCA, often called the “Y,” remains “to put Christian principles into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind and body for all.”

The Young Men’s Christian Association was founded in 1844 in London, England, by tradesman George Williams to offer refuge for youth seeking escape from the hazards of sleeping on the streets. According to the history, Williams “organized the first YMCA to substitute Bible study and prayer for life on the streets.” 

Throughout the month of June, YMCAs across the United States coopt rainbow icons and promote events to celebrate “pride month.” The YMCA.org website declares, “Pride Month is traditionally recognized in June by communities across the U.S. to celebrate and support the LGBTQ+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, other dimensions of gender identity and allies) community [sic] and honor the history of the LBGTQ+ movement.”

American Life League President Judie Brown observed that “the Young Men’s Christian Association has become the antithesis of Christian teaching.” 

Katherine Van Dyke, American Life League’s lead researcher on the Charity Watchlist project, concurred with Brown’s assessment. 

“The YMCA’s actions and policies show that ‘to put Christian principles into practice’ is no longer a priority for the organization,” stated Van Dyke. “It would rather defend the deceitful transgender ideology to appease a small group of individuals than defend God’s purposeful design in creating the male and female person in His image and likeness. The organization also fails girls and women by subjecting them to both dangerous situations and taking away the privacy and respect they deserve by forcing them to share changing rooms with men, without apology or amendment to its policies.”

“The Charity Watchlist wants to highlight some of the more deceptive misunderstandings about nonprofit groups, such as the YMCA, and their positions on issues of life and family values,” added Van Dyke, “as well as affirm those organizations that are doing good and remaining true to practices and principles that affirm the sanctity of human life.”

Van Dyke offered some of the incidents that have earned the YMCA its negative – red “stop” – rating on the American Life League Charity Watchlist:

According to American Life League, the blame sits squarely on the YMCA’s radical policies and promotions that place LGBT “inclusivity” above all, even over the safety of women and children and prevention of sexual abuse:

The YMCA’s support and promotion of non-biblical behaviors, including its embracing of LGBTQ+ lifestyles and transgenderism, along with its implied endorsement of abortion and Planned Parenthood, are in direct conflict with the organization’s stated mission built on “Christian principles.”

“The YMCA should take ‘Christian’ out of its name since the organization has made it clear it has no intention of upholding Christian values,” remarked American Life League national director Katie Brown. “The YMCA has shown that, in the name of nonsensical equality, it would rather protect grown men who want to disrobe in front of young girls. Long gone are the days of trusting the YMCA for your swim lessons and basketball camps. We need to call out this behavior for what it is. The YMCA is protecting child predators and making them its new priority, not your children and certainly not Christian values.”

Judie Brown added, “While as Christians we pray for those misled by the so-called LGBTQ community, we do not elevate them in the eyes of others, but the YMCA has done exactly that. Shame on them!”

American Life League’s Charity Watchlist is an online tool currently profiling 125 tax-exempt nonprofits. The list uses simple stoplight green-yellow-red color coding to allow donors to know if they “go ahead” and donate to a green-coded nonprofit without reservations, “proceed with caution” after being fully informed of the potential risks at an organization assigned yellow, or “stop” any support of an organization that is designated as red because of its endorsement of abortion and other practices that conflict with life-affirming principles or are disingenuous in their messaging. 

Arkansas reports zero abortions in 2023, down from 3,000+ three years ago

(LifeSiteNews) — A new report shows there were no reported abortions committed in Arkansas in 2023.

The “Induced Abortion Report,” released by the state’s Department of Health, shows Arkansas’ almost complete ban has been effective in ending known abortions.

Abortion has been almost completely banned in the state since its trigger law went into effect after the reversal of Roe v. Wade in June 2022. The only exceptions are when allegedly “necessary to preserve the life of a pregnant woman whose life is endangered by a physical disorder, physical illness, or physical injury.” Direct abortion is always gravely immoral and never needed nor ethically justified to save a mother’s life.

By contrast, the state reported 3,133 abortions in 2021, the last full year abortion was available. In 2022, abortions dropped to 1,621, according to Charlotte Lozier Institute. The state’s abortion law went into effect about halfway through the year, contributing to the roughly 50% reduction from the year prior.

The Arkansas Family Council celebrated the news, but also warned about a ballot initiative that would roll back the state’s strong pro-life protections.

“These reports are great news,” President Jerry Cox wrote in a news release. “Arkansas’ pro-life laws are protecting women, and they are saving unborn children. That is something to celebrate.”

He warned, however:

Right now an effort is underway in Arkansas that would repeal Arkansas’ pro-life laws and write abortion into the state constitution.

If passed, the Arkansas Abortion Amendment would allow thousands of elective abortions in Arkansas every year.

The amendment does not contain any medical licensing or health and safety standards for abortion.

It contains sweeping health exceptions that would permit abortion on demand through all nine months of pregnancy in many cases.

While the report is positive news, caution is warranted.

The report cannot fully account for the use of abortion drugs, which can be shipped from within or outside the country, including due to deregulation by the Biden administration. Federal officials have ignored longstanding federal law and now allow the dangerous abortion drugs to be mailed to anyone.

However, data show that birth rates have risen in states that have restricted abortion since the reversal of Roe v. Wade. Many women in those states have likely not resorted to “self-managed” abortions, such as with illegal pills.


UN chief compares humans who contribute to ‘climate change’ to meteor that allegedly wiped out dinosaurs

NEW YORK (LifeSiteNews) — United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres has compared humans who supposedly contribute to “climate change” to the meteor that allegedly wiped out the dinosaur population on Earth.

Guterres delivered a keynote speech on the state of the climate in New York on June 5, on the occasion of “World Environment Day.” The U.N. chief discussed the alleged existential threat of “climate change” caused by human activity.

“Like the meteor that wiped out the dinosaurs, we [humans] are having an outsized impact. In the case of climate, we are not the dinosaurs; we are the meteor. We are not only in danger; we are the danger.”

“But we are also the solution,” he added.

“So, dear friends, we are at the moment of truth, the truth is, almost ten years since the Paris Agreement was adopted, the target of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius is hanging by a thread. The truth is, the world is spewing emissions so fast that by 2030, a far higher temperature rise will be all but guaranteed,” the U.N. chief stated.

Guterres is known for his hyperbolic climate alarmism. Last year, during a speech at the U.N. headquarters in New York, he said, “The era of global warming has ended; the era of global boiling has arrived.”

Scientists rebut UN climate alarmism 

Contrary to the U.N.’s alarmism about “climate change,” many scientists have pointed out that record highs in temperature are not surprising or concerning. This is because precise temperature measurements, which have inaccuracies, started only around 150 years ago, at the end of what is often referred to as the “Little Ice Age.”

Ice core researcher Jorgen Peder Steffensen, from the Niels Bohr Institute at the University of Copenhagen, said that his research has shown that temperatures in Greenland 6,000 years ago “were 2.5 degrees warmer on average than today.”

Since temperature recording started at one of the coldest periods of the past 6,000 to 8,000 years, rising global temperatures are to be expected as part of a natural pattern.

“I agree completely that we have had a global temperature increase in the 20th century,” Steffensen said. “But an increase from what? Probably an increase from the lowest point we’ve had from the last 10,000 years.”

“And this means, that it will be very hard indeed to prove whether the increase of temperature in the 20th century was man-made or it’s a natural variation.”

Additionally, many scientists, e.g., members of the CO2 Coalition, have called into question whether CO2 emissions produced by burning fossil fuels are to blame for global temperature increases. One of these scientists is Nobel Prize Laureate Dr. John Clauser, who has argued that most climate models are wrong because the impact of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is overrated by “nearly two orders of magnitude” compared to the effects of cumulus clouds. 

Moreover, much of the alarmism around wildfires being caused by climate change has been shown to be unfounded propaganda since many of these fires were deliberately caused by arsonists rather than increased temperatures.

World’s largest children’s books publisher releases radical ‘LGBTQIA+’ guide targeting K-12 children

(LifeSiteNews) — Scholastic, the world’s largest publisher and distributor of children’s books, has published its 2024 “pride” guide for teachers of grades K-12, overflowing with ideological promotion of “LGBTQIA+” stories, advice, and “affirmation” targeting children and adolescents.    

Scholastic is unequivocal in its pro-LGBT stance, devoted to obscuring timeless truths about the complementarity of the sexes while undermining children’s healthy identities as boys or girls.   

In fact, Scholastic goes so far as warning against the communication of immutable truths about nature and science to children.  

“Books and literature are never neutral,” declares Scholastic. “By engaging with queer literature for children and young adults, you are disrupting the status quo that implies being cisgender, heterosexual, and allosexual are the default.”    

“Disrupting the status quo,” put differently, means “blocking and obliterating truth.”   

At the outset of its “pride” guide, Scholastic says that the word “queer” is “an umbrella term to refer to the breadth” of so-called “LGBTQIA+ identities.”      

“Everyone benefits from books with authentic representation of queer identities,” insists Scholastic. This, however, is a fatal flaw. Something that does not actually exist cannot be “authentic.”  

“There are no ‘queer’ identities,” said prolific truth-teller James Lindsey, referencing the actual meaning of the term.  

“A person cannot *be* queer,” said Lindsey. “It’s only possible to *act* queer, which is an oppositionally defiant political stance taken on as a personal identity.”   

“It’s choosing to be functionally personality disordered and thinking it’s your true self,” he added.  

“The 12-page document,” observed The Washington Stand’s Sarah Holiday, “is full of extreme LGBT ideology, and it makes no attempt to mask the progressive agenda.” 

Furthermore, “the company has vowed to use company resources to fight efforts by schools & parents to determine what content is appropriate for children & keep illustrated pornography out of schools,” noted Sarah Marshall Perry, senior legal fellow at the Heritage Foundation.  

“Too bad it’s more concerned with proselytizing for the queer cause, & defeating the ‘colonialist gender binary’ than it is with the literacy scores of American children,” wrote Marshall on X.  

The once venerable service, fondly remembered by generations of public school students, is a far cry from what it once was.   

“The moral revolutionaries, as represented in this case by Scholastic, are seeking to mainstream and normalize ideologies that would have made no sense to any previous generation,” David Closson, Family Research Council’s director of its Center for Biblical Worldview, told The Washington Stand.  

“For thousands of years of human history, questions related to sexuality were utterly uncontroversial. However, the moral revolution and those pushing it have had remarkable success in confusing some of the most basic categories of human existence,” explained Closson. “Scholastic is seeking to sow confusion amongst society’s most vulnerable population, which is our children.” 

Scholastic is now an unapologetic ally in a political movement with deep Marxist roots that wields identity politics as a weapon of mass destruction, undermining and obfuscating timeless truths and upending immutable definitions about marriage, man and woman, boy and girl, son and daughter.

Scholastic’s “Read with Pride: Educator, Caregiver, and Advocate Resources” guide is aimed at driving woke neo-Marxist ideology deep into kids’ hearts and souls through the trusted adults in their lives.  

The guide isn’t aimed at converting those adults; it merely seeks to overwhelm them with misinformation normalizing the notion of fabricated sexual and gender identities for children. Scholastic wants the adults in children’s lives to push kids into embracing woke identities so that they can become part of any one of a growing number of new victim classes defined by sexual depravity and confusion.



Five Sins That Jesus Hated Most


As we grow spiritually, we will discover that the righteousness of God is not primarily external, and that sin too is not primarily external. When we talk about righteousness, most people think of the standard mentioned in the ten commandments. But righteousness under the new covenant is measured by the life of Jesus and not by any written Law. When we consider the sins that Jesus spoke against the most, we will discover what He hated the most. As we consider five such sins, we will see that none of them are listed in the ten commandments!!

1. Hypocrisy

To be a hypocrite is to give others the impression that we are holier than we actually are. It is the same as being false, or telling a lie. Jesus pronounced a curse on hypocrites seven times in Mt. 23:13-29. It is possible to tell a lie without even opening our mouths. Ananias lied to the Holy Spirit without saying a word - when he pretended to be a wholehearted disciple of Jesus (Acts 5:1-5).


Jesus told the Pharisees that their inner life was ""full of self indulgence"" (Mt. 23:25) - which meant that they lived only to please themselves. Yet they gave others the impression that because they knew the Scriptures well and fasted and prayed and tithed their income, they were very holy. They appeared very pious externally. They prayed lengthy prayers in public, but they did not pray at length in private - just like many today. It is hypocrisy if we praise God only on Sunday mornings, but do not have a spirit of praise in our hearts at all times. God looks at our hearts. The wise virgins had a hidden reserve of oil in their vessels while the foolish ones had only enough to light their lamps externally and have a good testimony before men (Mt. 25: 1- 4). When we hear of a Christian leader suddenly falling into adultery, we must realize that that was no sudden fall but the final result of a long period of unfaithfulness in his inner life. He was a hypocrite for long!


2. Spiritual Pride

Spiritual pride is the most common sin to be found among those who pursue after holiness. We all know the parable of the self-righteous Pharisee who despised others even in his prayer (Lk. 18:9-14)! It is more than likely that 90% of all prayers offered in public by believers are primarily meant to impress others who are listening and not prayed to God at all. The Pharisee in the parable may not have been evil like other sinners in his external life. But Jesus hated the pride with which he thought of his spiritual activities and with which he despised others. It is spiritual pride that makes believers constantly judge other believers.


The tax collector however, who saw himself as THE sinner - worse than all others - was accepted by God. All who have come face to face with God will have seen themselves at some time, as the chief of sinners. Jesus taught that the greatest person in heaven would be the humblest (Mt. 18:4). The greatest virtue found in heaven is humility. We see in the book of Revelation that all those who receive crowns in heaven are quick to cast them down before the Lord acknowledging that He alone deserves every crown (Re. 4:10,11).


Jesus said that even if we managed to obey EVERY SINGLE commandment of God, we would still be unprofitable servants who had not done anything more than what was expected of us (Lk. 17:10). Then what shall we say about our condition when we fall so often!


3. Impurity

Impurity enters into our hearts mainly through our eyes and our ears. This impurity then comes OUT from our hearts and expresses itself through the various members of our bodies - primarily through our tongues and our eyes. Anyone who seeks to be pure must therefore be especially careful about what he sees and what he hears. Jesus hated impurity so much that He told His disciples that they should be willing to pluck out their right eye and cut off their right hand rather than sin with those members (Mt. 5:27-29).


When do doctors recommend the amputation of the right hand or the surgical removal of an eye? Only when things have become so bad that without the removal of these organs, the whole body would die. This is what we need to understand in relation to sin as well. Sin is so serious that it can imperil our very life. Most believers have not realized this and that is why they are careless in the way they use their tongues and their eyes. We must be as blind men and as dumb men when tempted to sin with our eyes and our tongues. This is the implication of Jesus' words.

4. Indifference To Human Need

Jesus was angry when the leaders of the synagogue did not want Him to heal a man, just because it was the Sabbath day "He was grieved at their hardness of heart" (Mk. 3:5).


We are commanded to do good to all men, especially to the children of God (Gal. 6: 10). Jesus taught that those who did nothing to help their brothers who were in need of the basic necessities of life, would be cast out of His presence in the final day (Mt. 25:41-46). We may not have the gift of healing to heal sick believers. But we can all certainly visit those who are sick and encourage them. That's all the Lord asks of us.


The rich man went to hell because he did not care for his brother Lazarus, who was a fellow Jew and a fellow son of Abraham. The priest and the Levite in the parable of the good Samaritan, were exposed as hypocrites by Jesus because they did not show compassion on their fellow- brother- Jew who was lying on the roadside wounded. The Bible says that those who see their brothers in need and who are not moved to help them do not really have saving faith (Jas. 2:15-17). They are only deceiving themselves when they say that they are born again; they are not. Those who do not help their brothers in need cannot possibly have the love of God dwelling in their hearts (1Jn. 3:17). Jesus spoke out strongly on such matters because He hated the attitude that many religious people had who were concerned only with religious activities but not with helping their needy brothers.

5. Unbelief

The four sins that we have already mentioned can easily be identified as sins by all believers. But when it comes to unbelief, almost all believers think of it, not as a sin but as a weakness. And therefore they don't learn to hate unbelief as they hate other sins.

But the Bible speaks of an unbelieving heart as an EVIL heart (Heb. 3:12) Jesus rebuked His disciples seven times for unbelief. (See Mt. 6:30; 8:26; 14:31; 16:8; 17:17-20; Mk.16:14; Lk.24:25). It seems that He almost never rebuked His disciples for anything else!!


Unbelief is an insult to God, because it implies that God does not care or provide for His children even as much as evil fathers on earth care and provide for their children.


There is also a counterfeit faith being preached these days, as a means of getting things from God. But that is not the faith that Jesus preached. He wanted us to have faith to live by, in our daily life. Victory over depression, bad moods and discouragement can come only as we have faith in a loving Father in heaven and in the wonderful promises He has given us in His Word.


Twice we read of Jesus being amazed - once when he saw FAITH and once when He saw UNBELIEF!! (Mt. 8:10; Mk. 6:6). Jesus was excited whenever He saw faith in people. And He was disappointed when He saw people unwilling to trust in a loving Father in heaven.

Now That We Know

Now that we have understood what Jesus hated the most, it should be our aim to hate these five sins too. As we discover these sins in our lives, we must crucify them ruthlessly.


He who has ears to hear, let him hear.




“Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.”—Eph. 6:11.

In golden accents, God’s purposes in redemption are set forth in the Epistle to the Ephesians. The simplicity of salvation and various practical exhortations to Christian believers are given.

The message of this Book reaches its climax in its last chapter in the admonition to put on the whole armor of God and stand against the wiles of the Devil. The inspired apostle Paul emphasized that Christians have a personal devil to deal with. He realized that these Christians at Ephesus, many of whom were mature believers, well versed in the doctrines of Christ, and making every effort to properly represent their Lord in daily conduct, the Adversary waged against them a ceaseless conflict. He would do everything in his power to sidetrack and detour these Christians and thus destroy or nullify their testimony. The whole purpose of Satan is to hinder, thwart, destroy or render ineffective the witness of believers; the reason for this is clear—he does not want Christ to be made known in this world. His complete objective is to oppose Christ and His Gospel.

Satan operates in a very wide sphere on this Earth. He is the prince of the power of the air and he controls myriad hosts of fallen angels. They occupy a place in the heavenlies, that is, in the atmosphere surrounding this planet on which we live. Verse 12 says, “We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers….” Against what powers? “…against the rulers of the darkness of this world....” Who are the world rulers of this darkness? Read on…“against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Now, that is a formidable adversary—an enemy so powerful as to control the spirit of this age. His sphere of influence is unspeakably large. This influence is exerted in society and politics, in every department of human life and is primarily focused on individuals.

Remember that Satan’s greatest battle is against individual believers. He does not have to work so hard on the man down in the gutter of sin or the intellectual highbrow who has ruled God out of his thinking—no, he has already captured those kinds of people. His primary concern, I say, is to distort the Gospel of Christ and to hinder Christian believers. He uses every possible means at his disposal to do this.

In Scripture he is described as “a roaring lion, seeking some one to devour.” (I Pet. 5:8) and as one that “transformeth himself into an angel of light.” (II Cor. 11:14). For this reason, we are enjoined here to “stand against the wiles of the devil.” We are not warned against his power because the power of Christ is infinitely greater. We are not warned against his winsome appearance because the difference in the attraction of the Lord Jesus Christ over the Devil is the difference between the noonday sun and the blackness of midnight.

But we are warned against the wiles of the devil. He has the power to deceive. He is subtle, cunning, wily, designing and crafty. He is a liar and the father of lies (John 8:44). He knows how to lie to you and make you think it is the truth. It is so easy to be engulfed in his snares. He will trip you up every time if you will give him a ghost of a chance. We must beware of “the wiles of the devil.”

But we are to do more than merely “beware”; we are to “stand against” the wiles of the Devil. The only way we can do this successfully is to “put on the whole armour of God.” Let us never suppose for one split second that we are sufficient within ourselves to stand against him; for the very moment we do, we are already in his seductive snare.

Mark the words, “Therefore take the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.” (Eph. 6:13). It takes the whole armor of God not just a part of God’s armor. Twice it is mentioned here— we are to put on the WHOLE armor of God. Now, the various articles of the Christian’s armor are mentioned here and are illustrated by the type of armor worn by the ancient Roman soldier.

The Girdle of Truth

God’s truth is revealed in His Word and proclaimed through His Church. His Word is truth. The believer, through the earnest hearing of God’s Word and the studying of God’s Word, becomes rooted and grounded in the truth. The believer, having the discernment of the Holy Spirit, will understand what the truth is and will be able to detect false doctrine and hypocrisy. A truly born-again Christian will never debate for a moment what side he will be on with regard to any issue that may arise. He will always and uncompromisingly take his place on the side of truth. God hates a jellyfish-type of Christian profession.

God will always vindicate His people when they stand on the side of truth because when they stand on the side of truth, they are standing on God’s side. Praise God. You never have to apologize for it or go around trying to explain your position—just stand on the side of truth.

The Breastplate of Righteousness

This means righteous conduct. It is truth in practical expression. A true Christian loves the cause of righteousness and will live a righteous life. His conduct will be unapproachable, sincere and straightforward. He does not have to try to cover up his misdeeds. He does not have to worry that his wickedness will catch up with him and that he will be exposed as a fraud, a sham or a hypocrite. He lives righteously and walks in the light of God’s truth. Therefore, he can always look the world in the face and deliver a knock-out blow to the Devil every day of his life. Thank God! It is possible by the grace of God to live such a life!

Feet Shod with the Preparation of the Gospel of Peace

he true Christian soldier not only loves peace and seeks to live peaceably with all men, but he is also a peacemaker. However, he never makes peace at the cost of compromise. He preaches the Gospel of peace and makes it clear that “there is no peace…to the wicked” (Isa. 57:21), but that all may have peace by a complete surrender to Christ, the Prince of Peace.

The Shield of Faith

Watch that Roman soldier as he would stand there in the line of battle, holding in front of him the shield of brass! By that shield, he would stop the flaming arrows of the enemy. And this is what the Christian soldier does by the shield of faith. Listen to the Word of God: “above all taking the shield of faith, with which you can quench all the flaming darts of the evil one.” (Eph. 6:16).

The Devil has never invented a weapon that will destroy a single Christian who will put his faith in the living God and march forth under the blood-stained banner of Prince Emmanuel. So, hoist that shield of faith and stand with all your might against the hosts of wickedness. God will give you the victory!

The Helmet of Salvation

This is your testimony of deliverance in Christ. It testifies that you have been born again at your baptism and that you belong to God’s victory band. And, praise God, when you are on His side, you are on the winning side!

The Sword of the Spirit

But this is not all. Mark the words that follow: “…the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.” This is our weapon of victory—the Word of God. “For the word of God is living and effectual, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and spirit, of joints and marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” (Heb. 4:12).

Our Lord conquered the fierce onslaughts of Satan by the use of the Word of God. He would say, “It is written,” and Satan would quail before him as the craven coward that he is. Believe me, my Christian comrade, there is no weapon so effective as the Word of God itself. It is mighty in the tearing down of the strongholds of Satan. The Devil simply cannot withstand the Word of God. So make use of the Word of God—not the philosophies of men, not the sayings of the wise men of this world, not your own opinions—but the Word of God itself. “Resist the devil, and he will flee from you” (Jas. 4:7).

Prayer and Supplication in the Spirit

There is one final article in the Christian armor—and, oh, it is of such tremendous importance. Mark the words: “Pray at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication.” (Eph. 6:18). The Christian in conflict with the Adversary has a secret weapon that the Enemy knows nothing about—the weapon of prayer. The Devil and all his angels cannot defeat a praying Christian. There is nothing the Devil dreads so much as prayer, and doubtless, this is the reason he tries so hard to keep us from praying. But prayer keeps us in touch with the Captain of our salvation and gives us the assurance of complete victory in Him.




Frequently Asked Questions

Question Table


 Is not the soul the breath of God?

No, for God is a spirit, a purely spiritual substance, and does not breathe. The expression is only a human way of putting things. The soul is a spirit, and is called the breath of God merely because caused or created by God in its spiritual or breath-like nature.




For answers to more frequently asked questions, click here: https://www.vaticaninexile.com/frequently_asked_questions.php

The Pope Speaks


On Sola Scriptura 

In the Philippines, there's a sect known as " Iglesia de Dios" led by Bro. Eli Soriano. (Deceased).He has a TV program popularly known as " Ang Dating Daan " (the old path ). Their main slogan is , " itanong mo Kay Soriano, Biblia Ang sasagot. " (Ask Soriano, Bible shall answer) . Henceforth, whenever a phrase or word cannot be found in the Bible, they will always say, it is not true. Example, the word purgatory. Since the word purgatory cannot be found in the Bible, they tell their followers it is not true. 
Fundamentalist are group of people who adhere to the doctrine " Sola Scriptura". They are protestants who claimed bible alone can save. But the Catholic Church believes that it's not just the Bible which can be the source of deposit of faith, we also have Oral Tradition and the Magisterium or the teaching office of the Church.  According to the Gospel of John, " In his disciples 'presence Jesus performed many other miracles which are NOT WRITTEN DOWN in this book..." (John 20: 30 ) And in John 21: 25, " Now, there are many other things that Jesus did. If they were all written down one by one, I suppose that the whole world could not hold the books that would be written." 
And therefore, Bible alone cannot be the only source for teaching, we have also the Oral Tradition. " So then, our friends, stand firm and hold on to those truths which we taught you, both in our PREACHING and in LETTER. " (2 Thessalonians 2:15 ). 
Our Lord Jesus Christ died, has risen and ascended into heaven in 33 A.D. , the first new testament book that was written were not the gospels but the letter of St. Paul to Thessalonians in 53 A.D. the question now is what do we have between 33 A.D. and 53 A.D. ? of course the answer is the old testament but aside from the old testament, we have the Oral Tradition! The first gospel ever written was the Gospel according to Mark which was written in 65 A.D. 
Considering the aforementioned argument, we can now conclude that Bible alone theory is weak. Not every practice of the Church is in the scriptures. We also have the oral tradition and the teaching office of the Church or Magisterium. 
Another example is the word Pope or Papa. According to protestants, the Bible says call no one father on earth because it's in Matthew 23:9, " call no one father on earth because we have one father who is in heaven." And therefore, they should not call Pastors as Father! 
But in the Catholic Church, even though there is Matthew 23:9 , we still call our priest father in as much as Abraham was addressed as Father. St. Paul called Timothy his " son " ( 2 Timothy 2: 2 ) even though Timothy is not his biological son. Therefore, we have to understand Matthew 23:9 in it's context. Why did Jesus Christ said it. He said it because the Pharisees and Scribes we're proud of themselves!  We call our priest father in as much as through Baptism, the baptized became his children. 

Advice You Can Bank On

A Catholic Perspective On Finances 

Get Out of Claiming Ownership


The Bible makes it very clear that (a) you do not own anything, (b) you are God’s steward, and (c) you came into the world naked and will depart in the same condition. This is not simply good theology, but also a truth that God wants us to put into practice. If we don’t get out of the trap of claiming ownership of our money and possessions, we will become materialistic and vulnerable to placing our identity in what we have. The weight of trying to accumulate, protect, maintain, and grow our things can begin to control our lives.

Here are three ways to get out of the ownership trap:

  1. Give it to the Lord. Make a quit claim deed that represents your surrender of it all to Him. Record everything you think you own and declare in your heart that it all belongs to God. 
  2. Catch yourself describing stuff as “mine.”
  3. Get into learning the joy of being a faithful steward.

Psalm 24:1 proclaims, “The earth is the LORD’s and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein…”

Get Out of Temporal Financial Planning

The vast majority of the personal finance industry, financial planning industry, and much of the estate planning industry will have you totally focused on the here and now. They operate ignorant of God’s truth, which commands us to lay up for ourselves treasures in Heaven and not on Earth. And we fall into the trap.   

In the parable of the foolish farmer, the wealthy entrepreneur had a problem with managing his surplus, so he made a short-term financial plan. Luke 12:17-18 says, “He thought to himself, ‘What shall I do? I have no place to store my crops.’ Then he said, ‘This is what I’ll do. I will tear down my barns and build bigger ones, and there I will store all my grain and my goods.’”

He also stated his purpose for this plan in verse 19: “And I’ll say to myself, ‘You have plenty of good things laid up for many years. Take life easy; eat, drink and be merry.’”

In verse 20, we get the point of the parable loud and clear when God says to him, “‘You fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you. Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?’”

It is foolish to make plans for our own well-being when we are not rich towards God. Here are three ways to get out of the temporal financial planning trap:

  1. Make a plan to “lay up for yourselves treasures in Heaven.”
  2. Repent of placing your security and hope in money.
  3. Write your obituary. Make a list of those things you hope will have prepared you for that day that you will stand before the Lord and be evaluated.

It is good to plan for today and tomorrow and to prepare for our lives on Earth, but if we don’t get out of temporal financial planning we will never get into eternal financial planning and be prepared for “that day.”

Get Out of Greed, Coveting and Selfishness

Coveting is wanting what someone else has. 

Greed is wanting more of what you already have. 

Selfishness is using what you have exclusively for your own benefit.

We can justify anything that we want or think that we need. Ahab and Jezebel justified murder because of Ahab’s coveting Naboth’s vineyard (I Kings 21). The foolish farmer in the parable above was greedy and therefore in need of bigger barns (from Luke 12). Nabal’s selfishness made him unwilling to share a morsel of food with David and his starving soldiers although he was wealthy (I Samuel 25). 

I know people with a twin-engine plane that are working to get a turboprop so they can get to their beach house quicker. I know those with a turboprop waiting to get a next level jet, so they never have to fly commercial. I know people with two homes that are looking for a third and are unaware of the millions of homeless in the world. I know people who travel to locations that make jaw-dropping social media picture backdrops but never give thought to how they could serve the people on that island or in that remote mountain village.

Three ways to get out of greed, coveting, and selfishness:

  1. Be grateful for what you have now.
  2. Be content with your circumstances by living one day at a time.
  3. Seek to make giving your highest financial priority.   

If we don’t get out of greed, coveting, and selfishness, we will stay trapped in a life of vanity and insignificance.

Once you have gotten out of claiming ownership, temporal financial planning, and the financial sins that grip our hearts, it would be good to also get out of debt. But remember the rich young ruler. He was out of debt, but not out of Hell.

catholic-family-header.png Family Matters

Youth with Purpose of Heart


In Daniel 1 we find the story of an exceptional young man. He had been chosen by the king’s own delegate because there was no blemish found in him; he was well favored, skillful in all wisdom, and cunning in knowledge. He was chosen out of the very best that Babylon had to offer, and Babylon ruled the world. He was chosen to stand in the palace of the most powerful ruler of the world. Power and prestige were within his grasp. Certainly, to those looking on, Daniel was in an enviable position. What more could his heart wish for?


Only one thing stood in the way. A small thing, as most people would see it. Yet there it was. He was to eat of the king’s meat and drink of the same wine which the king drank. The very best were to be his. Yet Daniel knew he could not partake. Exactly why Daniel refused we do not know, but one thing we do know, Daniel stood for what he knew to be right. He understood that the luxuries of Babylon would never be able to fill his life and meet his needs as the God of Israel could, so Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with a portion of the king’s meat, nor with the wine which he drank. We need young men and women today who purpose in their hearts not to defile themselves, just as Daniel did.


We live in a world that is pursuing pleasure, money, fame, knowledge, etc. Today, as never before, the opportunity lies before you as a youth to indulge in these things. Circumstances look promising. You have a good job. Money is yours to spend as you choose. You have many friends. The road appears to stretch before you, holding out promises of a good life. What more could your heart wish for?


Only one thing stands in the way. A small thing as many would have you believe. Yet it stands before you. What does God think? What does the Bible say?


Certainly, it is no less important for youth today to take a serious look at what God expects and deserves from them than it was for Daniel many years ago.


In his second letter to Timothy, Paul tells him to “flee youthful lusts.” What are youthful lusts? Lust is defined as “an intense longing or craving for the forbidden.” So we are faced with the question, do youth have a longing for the forbidden? Lust for forbidden things is a problem that has existed on this earth since soon after Adam and Eve were created and certainly has not diminished in the age in which we live. What are some of these things facing youth today?


The world’s music often has a strong appeal to youth. Is there really anything wrong with listening to the same music the world listens to? We must understand that the music one enjoys expresses what is in the heart. It is no secret that the songs this world enjoys are extremely immoral. Not only are the lyrics filthy, the music appeals to the flesh in a very sensual manner. The music alone can bring upon a person feelings of hatred, rebellion, and lust. How can we take gospel words and sing it to music that still encourages these ungodly feelings? What concord hath Christ with Belial? Certainly God is looking for youth who purpose in their hearts not to defile themselves with the world’s music.

A second area in which youth may be tempted to compromise is the area of dress. It is amazing how much is conveyed about a person by the clothing they wear. While you may not dress just like the world, how easy is it to choose clothing that is as close to the world’s fads as possible? Do you stop to think what message you will send to the world by the clothing you choose to wear? While clothing alone can never make a person a Christian, it can surely be an indicator which kingdom one is a part of. Many people in the world unashamedly declare that they are a part of the kingdom of darkness by their clothing. Shouldn’t Christians also be willing to bear a clear mark of belonging to God’s kingdom? We need youth who purpose in their hearts not to defile themselves with worldly dress.


Thirdly, a youth may be lured by the world’s leisure and hobbies. We live in a fast-paced, ever changing world, and there seems to be no end to the list of new and exciting things to try. Does it really matter how much time and money we spend on these things? We must understand why the world always needs something new. Outside of Christ a person will always be searching for something to fill the void in his life. It will never be found in worldly entertainment.


Let’s consider what Solomon says.
“Rejoice, O young man, in your youth, and let your heart cheer you in the days of your youth; walk in the ways of your heart and the sight of your eyes. But know that for all these things God will bring you into judgment. Remove anger from thy heart, and put away evil from thy flesh. For youth and pleasure are vain. Remember also your Creator in the days of your youth, before the evil days come, and the years draw nigh, when you will say, ‘I have no pleasure in them’” (Ecc 11:9-12:1).


If anyone would know if fulfillment can be found through what this world has to offer, Solomon should. Two things are made very clear in these verses. God will bring us into judgment for how we follow our heart’s desires, and remembering our Creator is important in our youth if we don’t want to live with regrets later in life.


While there may be room for leisure activities, even justifiable activities can quickly be overdone. Consider these figures. In 2011, 13.7 million hunters spent $38.3 billion on equipment, licenses, trips, and more. This averages out to $2,800 per hunter. No figure was given of the value of game that each hunter took home. Will these things bring contentment and satisfaction in old age, or will they bring emptiness?


As God’s chosen people we have a purpose to live for. Remember your Creator TODAY in the days of your youth. God is still searching for those who will choose Him above all the things this world has to offer and who will purpose in their hearts not to defile themselves with the vanity of this world.


“The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God, and keep his commandments; for this is the whole duty of man.[a] 14 For God will bring every deed into judgment, with[b] every secret thing, whether good or evil.” (Ecc 12:13-14).



Lamp and Light Commentary 


"Thy word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my paths." (Psalms 119:105) 



The Book Of Exodus Chapter 4-11

(Continued from lesson 1)

The second thing we need to understand as the Lord's servants, is that nothing good dwells in our flesh.

Selfishness and corruption are found everywhere within our flesh. If you think that is not true, just put your hand inside your flesh and see! Ask God to give you light on the leprosy that dwells inside. If you don't learn this important lesson, you will go around condemning people, as though they had a flesh that was

The Book Of Exodus Chapter 1-4 worse than yours. Nobody can commit a sin that we are incapable of. If we have not sinned in the same way, it is only because of God's mercy and because we never faced the same intensity of temptation. We are no better than any human being on the face of this earth, I want to tell you that you are totally unfit to be a servant of the Lord.

For the third sign the Lord asked Moses to pour out some water from the Nile and it would turn into blood (4:9). The river Nile was the precious god of the Egyptians and blood is a picture of death.

So the spiritual meaning of this sign is that all the things of this earth that worldly people worship and run after, we must pour out to death. A servant of the Lord must be crucified to the world and the world must be crucified to him. The world is no longer like water to me (essential for life), but like blood that we are not even tempted to drink. We would rather be thirsty than drink blood. That's the way we need to see everything in this world.

These are the three essential qualifications for any servant of God. Now Moses agrees to go to Pharaoh. He is equipped with Divine authority, and he goes forth as a man whom God himself has trained over a period of 80 years. Moses was the one man on the face of the earth at that time who was absolutely essential for God's purposes. Today God has many servants. So even if one man fails him, another can do the job. But at that time, God had only one man. But before that man could meet Pharaoh, he had to learn one more very important lesson.

We read in 4:24 that the Lord tried to kill Moses as Moses was going to Egypt. Now if it was written there that Satan had tried to kill Moses, we could understand that. But why in the world would God Himself want to kill the one man who was most essential for his purposes on earth? Because there was disobedience in Moses' own house. Moses had married a non-Israelite woman; and yielding to his wife's wishes, he had not circumcised his son. Moses' wife must have refused to permit that, and Moses, for the sake of peace at home, must have yielded to her wishes-especially since he was staying in her father's house. Moses' wife was the boss in their home! But God can never permit such misplaced authority in the home of any of His servants. And so God told him, as it were, “Moses, you cannot lead Israel out of Egypt, if you cannot lead your own home first! The Bible says, “If a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?” I have seen men who claim to be servants of God who are scared of their own wives. How can such men serve God?

This was a serious matter that God was telling Moses, “Even if you are the most important man for Me on earth, if you don't obey me, I will kill you. I cannot compromise my principles” Moses wife understood immediately why her husband was dying. So, she took a sharp stone and cut off her son's foreskin and angrily said to Moses, “A bloody spouse art thou to me.” Moses did one wise thing after that. - he sent his wife home and carried on with what God had called him to do! He did not want any more problems with her being around him.

You see how God is strict with His servants? He will permit other people to compromise in many ways. But if you are one of His choice servants, He will require obedience from you in the smallest of matters.

He will look in areas of your life that He will not bother about with others. If you have borrowed 10 dollars or a book from someone and haven't yet returned it, if you are a choice servant of God, He will keep on troubling your conscience until you return it. He doesn't deal like that with everyone, but only with His special servants. Most Christians are compromiser's who live for themselves. God just leaves them alone. If you are a choice servant of God, He won’t allow you to write even one false statement in a report about your work. He will not allow you to be unfaithful with even one dollar. Other believers may be unfaithful with millions, and God will ignore them. But not with you.

Do you want to be a choice servant of God? Do you want God to watch over you with such a jealous care? Then you must be willing to be rebuked by Him for small matters.

Such was the man who finally stood before Pharaoh. When you can stand before God with a clear conscience, you can stand even before the world's most powerful men. For what is Pharaoh in God's eyes, but a pile of dust with breath in his nostrils. God needs men like Moses who live before His face. Elijah told King Ahab, “I live before God's face” (I King 18:15). So, he was not afraid of Ahab.

Do you want to be a servant of God like Moses and Elijah? Don't look at the Priest and Preachers of this world today. Look at the servants of God in the Scriptures. Look at the Saints that lived and died before the face of God. God is looking today for men who don't care for men's approval, who don't want any man's money, who don't seek for backing from earthly authority, but who want to be backed up by God alone. That's how Moses stood before Pharaoh. And God backed up Moses completely.

Listen to today's preachers. Can you say that most preachers of today are being back up by God, who have no anointing in their words but are wishy-washy compromiser's who seek to please men? Paul said, For do I now persuade men, or God? Or do I seek to please men? If I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ. (Galatians 1:10)

Don't ever seek to please man. Seek to please God. Let men treat you like dirt. The apostles were treated like garbage. Jesus was treated like garbage. But they lived before God's face alone, and God backed them up fully. That's the only way I want to serve God.

Moses stood before Pharaoh and God confirmed Mises word with plagues of blood , frogs, lice, insects, livestock-diseases, boils, hail, locusts, darkness and finally the death of the eldest boy in every house of the Egyptian magicians. But their magic tricks failed after a certain point. (7:11; 8:7, 18)

Religious people, who have a form of godliness without its power, have always opposed godly men in every age, just like Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses (2 Timothy 3:5, 8). The religious false prophets opposed Elijah and Jeremiah in their day. And the religious false prophets opposed John the Baptist and Jeus and Paul in their day.

Throughout church history, the majority of the clergy has always stood against the prophets who God has raised up in different lands.

It has always been the same story: God raises up people like Saint Francis, who was so misunderstood by others of the clergy. Or Saint Nicholas who other Bishops had confiscate his bishop's vestments and placed him in prison, when he stood up against the heretical views propounded by Arius, and so many others. God raised up a man to be His prophet. And many within the Church with their titles and their degrees will oppose him tooth and nail. But their attacks will not make him change his message on bit. Ultimately, after many long years, the prophet will be vindicated by God Himself, like Moses was.

If you want to be a man of God, don't ever seek to please those that have made the priesthood a professional religious establishment. Don't ever try to please those of the who do not know God. The knowledge of God is the most important thing that we need. I will respect a man whose life and words demonstrate that He knows God, that he lives before God's face and that he understands God's ways.



Catholic Books in Exile

Books to feed your faith!


The Three Days of Darkness

Day of wrath and doom impending. David's word with Sibyl's blending, Heaven and earth in ashes ending. We open with the Dies Irae, because it applies to the Three Days of Darkness. Pope Saint Gregory the Great says in his Regula Pastoralis: “Let them be told how the Prophet Sophonias holds out over them the stroke of divine reproof, when he says: 'Behold, the day of the Lord is coming, great and horrible . . . . That day is a day of wrath, a day of darkness and obscurity, a day of clouds and whirlwinds, a day of the trumpet and alarm against all the fenced cities and against all the high corners.'” 1 Note this verse inspired the Dies Irae. The purpose of this book is to provide all of the prophecies that relate to the Three Days of Darkness. These are placed in a chronological order similar to that employed by Father Culleton is his two books, Antichrist and The Prophets and Our Times. They are provided without comment so that you can study the prophecies themselves. Some of the prophecies may appear out of place, but they will make sense as you move forward. It is strongly recommended that you make notes as you proceed forward with this book. In this way you can sort things out for yourself. Padre Pio predicted the Three Days of Darkness. So does Sacred Scripture, which calls it the Day of the Lord. Even Jesus Himself referred to the Three Days of Darkness in the Gospels. This book considers the many Catholic prophecies on the Three Days of Darkness.

The Seven Last Words of Our Lord Jesus Christ on the Cross

The original of this little work was written by Cardinal Bellarmine towards the close of his life, when he had retired to the House of his Order at San Andrea. It was intended primarily for religious, but the thoughts it embodies should help many to follow the author in his faithful imitation of Christ Crucified. In the attempt to give the gist of St. Robert's work in a few pages, much condensation and much omission was necessary. This will account, in some measure, for the abrupt transition of thought noticeable in a few places.

We present this small treatise to pious persons, entreating them to peruse it. Long ago the Holy Ghost said: “It is a holy and wholesome thing to pray for the dead, that they may be loosed from their sins.” (II Macabees 12:46) Our Lord shed tears in seeing the tomb of Lazarus, and the Church, well acquainted with the feelings of her Divine Founder, is incessently recommending charity for the Souls suffering in Purgatory. One of her eminent doctors, St. Thomas of Aquinas, has said that: “Of all prayers, the most meritorious, the most acceptable to God are prayers for the dead, because they imply all the works of charity, both corporal and spiritual.” But there are many people unconscious of the fact that charity for the “Poor Souls” is profitable to the living as well as to the dead. It is the teaching of the most learned theologians, viz: St. Alphonsus Ligori, Sylvius, Robert Bellarmine, Bonacina, and Suarez. “It is true,” says St. Alphonsus, “they are unable to pray or merit anything for themselves, yet, when they pray for others, they are heard by God.” Let us refer to Bellarmine: “The Souls in Purgatory,” says he, “can pray for those, who address to them their petitions, and obtain from God help, forgiveness, assistance against temptations, and, all favors, both temporal and spiritual, which they may need.” Many Saints have experienced this wonderful assistance. St. Catherine of Bologna assured her Sisters that: “She obtained many favors by the prayers of the holy Souls in Purgatory, which she had asked in vain, through the intercession of the Saints.” St. Theresa affirms that: “She always obtained the favors which she asked from God, through the intercession of the Poor Souls.” We read also in the book of St. Bridget's Revelations that: “Being one day conducted by an Angel into Purgatory, she heard a soul say: “Oh Lord, vouchsafe to reward those who assist us! Return hundredfold blessings to those who help us and introduce us into the light of Heaven.” St. Leonard of Port Maurice emphatically affirms that: “The blessed Souls, delivered by our prayers, will come down from Heaven to assist us in our temporal and spiritual affairs.” The Venerable Cure d' Ars, replying to a priest said: “If one knew what we may obtain from God by the intercession of the Poor Souls, they would not be so much abandoned. Let us pray a great deal for them, they will pray for us.” Blessed Margaret Mary Alacoque had a special devotion for the Souls in Purgatory and has often accepted the charge of suffering for them. “Would that you knew,” she said, “how my soul was replenished with joy, when speaking to those Souls, and seeing them immersed in glory as in a deep ocean. As I requested them to pray for you, they replied: “An ungrateful soul is not to be found in Heaven!” No, we cannot be deceived! If we have an ardent charity, a sincere piety, a true devotedness for the Poor Souls, we will be favored with their protection. Let us try it! When we are in trouble, when we long for a favor, let us perform some pious or charitable work for the relief of the “Poor Souls.” They will be grateful, they will plead for us, and present our requests to the Eternal Father, Who loves them. May God bless this humble work! May He deign to enkindle generous hearts with zeal for the “Poor Souls.” "Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.” (Matt., V., 7.)

In the writings of St. Margaret Mary we find the following exhortation: “In union with the divine Heart of Jesus make a short pilgrimage to Purgatory at night. Offer Him all your activities of the day and ask Him to apply His merits to the suffering souls. At the same time implore them to obtain for you the grace to live and die in the love and friendship of this divine Heart. May He never find in you any resistance to His holy will, nor any wish to thwart His designs in your regard. Fortunate will you be, if you succeed in obtaining deliverance for some of these imprisoned souls, for you will gain as many friends in heaven.” This pious practice which St. Margaret Mary recommended to her novices for the octave of All Souls, was introduced to the members of the Arch-confraternity of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart in the year 1885. Since then many of the faithful have made this pilgrimage daily. Our world-wide Arch-confraternity, therefore, would seem to have been chosen by divine Providence to obtain comfort and deliverance for many souls in Purgatory. In a letter of recommendation, given on January 5, 1884, his Eminence, Cardinal Monaco la Valette, Vicar General of His Holiness, sanctioned the propagation of the “Daily Pilgrimage to Purgatory”. On October 8 of the following year, his successor, Cardinal Parochi deigned not only to honour us with a letter of approbation, but also delivered a splendid sermon on this practice in the church of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart in Rome, in which it had been introduced. May it please the divine Heart of Jesus to use this booklet as a means of spreading this work of sympathetic love for the Poor Souls everywhere. May this most benevolent of hearts extend to all who in any way assist in its circulation, the fullness of His graces and blessings. It is short ..…. A “Daily Pilgrimage” …… It is requires little more of your time than an ordinary prayer, a religious thought, or a devout ejaculation. It is easy ..…. It can be practised by any one without effort, regardless of age or state of life, at any time, and in any place. It is comforting .….. No more is required than to descend in spirit for a few moments into Purgatory; to petition God to send light, relief and peace to the holy souls: to relieve them of their sufferings, and to hasten the hour of their deliverance. It is holy …... It is in accordance with the wishes of the Sacred Heart; it increases His honour. He is our companion on this pilgrimage. We share in his love, and receive from Him light, relief and peace for the suffering souls. It is generous ……. It offers to the Sacred Heart every meritorious deed performed in the course of a day; prayers, mortifications, good works, alms, suffrages of every kind, and places them at His disposal on behalf of the Poor Souls. It is inexhaustible .….. It implores Our Lord and Saviour to apply to them the infinite merits of His Life. His Passion and Death, and also those of the Blessed Virgin Mary, St. Joseph and all The Saints. It is efficacious.…. If only you knew with what ardent desire these holy souls long for this new “remedy” which has such efficacy to relieve their sufferings. For this is what St Margaret Mary calls the devotion to the Sacred Heart.




Video sermons and instructions: Timeless timely truths for living the Faith

Low Sunday (2011)

One Flock (2013)

Go and Sin No Less 

A Catechism story: St. Cecilia


Vatican In Exile Podcasts

Family Theater

Family Theater was a program created to promote family unity and each week saw a drama illustrating the importance of family life and prayer. The main reason for the success of this series was undoubtedly due to the numerous Hollywood stars that participated. 

Cast: Bing Crosby, Gary Cooper, James Stewart, Gregory Peck, Shirley Temple Director: Fred MacKaye, Dave Young, Joseph Mansfield, Richard Sanville, Jaime del Valle, Mel Williamson, Robert O’Sullivan, John Kelley Producer: Father Patrick Peyton, Bob Longenecker Host: Father Patrick Peyton Writer: True Boardman , Father Patrick Peyton Announcer:Tony LaFrano


Ranger Bill

Ranger Bill was a Christian radio adventure serial, and aimed at the younger generation. This turned out to be one of the most successful radio broadcasts, and with an amazing longevity of over twelve years. The very first fifteen minute episode was aired on October 2, 1950, but this later changed to a half hour episode, beginning May 14, 1954 and running right through until 1962.


Catechism Corner

Catechizing with a fresh perspective. Using the Holy Scriptures and the Catechism of the Council of Trent as foundational bases.


Lamp and Light Bible Study

Lamp and Light Bible Study is not a ‘theological’ study but a ‘life application’ study.

Our in house Priest will show that every single book of the Bible is interesting and has a message for us today. It deals with key aspects of the Christian life and speaks more to the heart than to the head.



Sunday Sermon

WARNING! You may hear Sunday Sermons, that could cause permanent life changes by stepping on your toes! Including Sunday Sermons from Saint Alphonsus, Saint John Vianney and others!...

The Ave Maria Hour

The Ave Maria Hour first aired on April 26, 1935, on radio station WOR. It was presented by the Franciscan Friars of the Atonement to help the humanitarian work of St. Christopher’s Inn, and during that first show, Servant of God Father Paul of Graymoor talked about the charity involved in caring for the men of the Inn. In 1937, it was estimated that nearly 1 million listeners were tuning in each week, which resulted in large pilgrimages coming to Graymoor.

The popular Ave Maria Hour continued until 1969, encouraging and entertaining listeners. It was heard on more than 350 stations as well as on the Armed Forces Radio Service. Recorded in a studio in New York City and on the grounds of Graymoor, these dramatizations of the lives of the saints, stories from the Gospel, and inspiring accounts of faith received many awards for religious radio programs sponsored by the American Exhibition of Educational Radio and Television programs of Ohio State University. It received the Golden Bell Award in 1959, presented by Ed Sullivan on live television.


The Bible In Living Sound

 THE BIBLE IN LIVING SOUND, the original dramatized audio Bible stories . . . really gets kids excited about the Bible! These 450 spiritually enthralling stories, re-enacted with music and lively sound effects, leave impressions of lasting beauty and wonder, putting the listener in the Red Sea at the crossing, beside David as he confronts Goliath, with Mary and Joseph in the stable, and there at the foot of the Cross. These stunning dramatizations captivate listeners of all ages as they are enriched by visualizing the values taught in God's Word. Listeners want to hear these audio Bible stories again and again.



Creation Moments


A Biblical Theology of Creation

A biblical theology of creation helps us to see the patterns of creation, fall, redemption, and new creation that are repeated throughout the creation story; though the chaos of sin leads to judgment, God will ultimately redeem and renew his creation.


To trace a biblical theology of creation, we must begin with God’s rule and intent in his creation. Though sin brings chaos into the creation order that ultimately leads to judgment, God is committed to redeeming his creation. Throughout the story of redemption, we see a series of “new creation” events following the judgments of the flood, the Tower of Babel, the exodus, and the exile. In the commission of Noah, the covenant with Abraham, the Mosaic law, and the promises of the new covenant, God begins his creative work anew. However, except for the new covenant, all of these new creation events are followed by another “fall.” In the new covenant, the decisive new creation begins with the person and work of Jesus. Though it is not yet complete, at the end of the age, God himself will make all things new and come again to dwell among his people in the new creation.

The Beginning

It is important to begin a biblical theology of creation with God’s original intent in his creative work. In Genesis 1, we see God forming and filling the creation, and at the end of his work, he pronounces that this ordered creation is “very good.” This very good creation is the place that God has always intended to dwell with his people. Contrary to some views of the created order, the creation itself is intrinsically good and should be regarded as such. In spite of the judgments that sin has brought on God’s creation, God is committed to making it new and redeeming a people who will live in it forever.

Moreover, the biblical account of the creation week in Genesis 1 clearly teaches that God made all things and orders all things. As a result of this, he is sovereign over his creation. That is to say, he is in charge of his good creation.

Yet it is clear to us that something happened to mar this good creation. In Genesis 3, we discover that sin has entered the world through the rebellion of Adam and Eve. They were entrusted as the stewards of God’s good creation, but instead they turned away from him and sought to establish themselves as the true kings (Gen. 3:6-7).

Alongside of the consequences of sin that human beings personally experience, sin has cosmic effects. In Genesis 3, we learn that the creation itself is transformed by sin. The ground itself is cursed (Gen. 3:17). No longer do human beings have a harmonious and peaceful relationship with the creation. Instead, we have to fight with the ground in order to cultivate it.

However, God did not leave human beings without hope of redemption, and the creation itself shares that hope. Romans tells us that the creation itself “waits in eager expectation” for God to redeem his people, for when we are redeemed it too will be (Rom. 8:19). But right now, we are waiting for that hope to be fulfilled. As we wait, God has given us tastes of that new creation to come. He has revealed his plan to redeem the world through a series of “new creations,” and these new-creation type events are preparing us for the ultimate new creation yet to come.

The Flood

Adam and Eve were waiting for God to act to renew his creation, but in the generations that followed, the sin of the human race continued to increase. Instead of renewal, the creation was moving toward greater chaos as humans ran headlong into greater sin (Gen. 6:1). As a result, God looked at the chaos that sin had brought to his creation and condemned it to judgment. Through the waters of the flood, he judged the rebellious human beings and even the fallen creation itself.

But even in the chaos of that judgment, God remained committed to his creation. Almost all of humanity had turned against him, but one man was righteous in God’s eyes. God rescued that man, Noah, along with his family, through the waters of the flood. From these eight people, God’s creation began anew, and he pronounced the same blessing on Noah that he did on Adam and Eve (Gen. 9:7). Yet like Adam and Eve, Noah and his sons turned away from God. Again, God’s creation work was soon followed by the chaos of sin, and the rebellion of the human race continued unabated until the tower of Babel.


At Babel, humans were again attempting to establish their own authority and power. They wanted to “make a name” for themselves (Gen. 11:4). Again, God came down to judge his people, this time by confusing their language so they could no longer communicate with each other clearly.

In the midst of this chaos, God again chose a single human through whom he would continue his commitment to the creation. The covenant with Abraham is a type of new creation in which God began anew, calling his people to remain faithful to him, and giving them a commission to fill the earth (Gen. 12:3). With the family of Abraham, we have another new creation. But as we observe the life of Abraham, his sons, and his grandsons, the corruption of the old creation remains. Abraham lied about his wife being his sister to preserve himself (Gen. 12:10–17). His son Isaac did something similar (Gen. 26:1–11). His grandson Jacob deceived his own father to get a greater inheritance (Gen. 27:1–29) and his great-grandsons sold their own brother into slavery (Gen. 37:18–36). Yet God did not abandon this new creation people, even when they ended up in the chaos of slavery in Egypt.


After judgments of the flood and the Tower of Babel, God remained committed to his people and his creation. As we’ve seen, following these judgments, there is a kind of new creation; however, this is more evident in the exodus from Egypt. As God worked to bring the Hebrews, the descendants of Abraham, out of slavery, we see judgment on Egypt that brings chaos to that nation while the rescue of the Hebrews echoes God’s work in the creation itself.

Through the plagues he brought to Egypt, God was bringing judgment in the form of chaos. Instead of water being sent to its proper order, water is turning to blood (Exod. 7:17–18). Instead of animals coming to life, you have animals dying (Exod. 9:1–4). Rather than light appearing, the ninth plague shrouds the land in darkness (Exod. 10:21–22). And then, at the crossing of the Red Sea, the waters are divided so that dry land appears (Exod. 14:21) after a wind (Spirit) from God blew over the sea (Exod. 15:12).

The new creation language continues after Israel emerged from the Red Sea. The tabernacle that God commanded his people to build reminds us a little of the Garden of Eden. When it was finished, everything was done just as the LORD had commanded—just as the first creation was just had God had intended it to be. Some scholars even argue that the seven speeches in Exodus 25-31 point us back to the seven days of creation! Whether that is true or not, the imagery is pretty clear—when God called his people out of Egypt, he was pointing us back to the new creation, reminding us that he is bringing order out of chaos for the salvation of his people.

However, the pattern of creation followed by a fall continues in the history of Israel. Shortly after emerging from the Red Sea, Israel came to Mount Sinai. While Moses met with God and received the law on the mountain, Israel again began to doubt God’s care for them, and wanted to create a god that they could see and manage for themselves. Once again, God’s “new creational” people failed to trust his care for them, and the result was judgment and chaos; the pattern of creation followed by fall continues.

This pattern continues throughout Israel’s history. God graciously brought them into the land he had promised (another kind of new creation), but they continued to turn away from him. While there were periods of more or less faithfulness, the overall trajectory of the nation’s history was away from the Lord and toward idolatry. And this pattern ultimately led to the judgment of the exile.

Exile and Return

If the exodus and settlement in the Promised Land is the clearest picture of new creation, then the judgment of exile is perhaps the clearest picture of the fall and its consequent chaos. For centuries, the prophets in Israel warned God’s people to turn away from their idolatry or else the Lord would send foreign invaders to conquer the land and take the people captive. In fact, before they even entered the land, Moses himself warned of exile for ongoing unfaithfulness (Deut. 28–30).

The prophets sometimes use language that seems to reverse the original creation when anticipating the judgment of the exile. For example, when envisioning the land after the exile, Jeremiah echoes Genesis 1:2 before God ordered the creation: “I looked on the land, and behold, it was without form and void; and to the heavens, and they had no light” (Jer. 4:23). Yet the promise of restoration and return from exile points forward to a new creation. When Isaiah looked forward to the return from exile and the restoration of God’s people, he often used creation language (Isa. 40:28; 42:5; 43:15; 45:18; 57:19; 65:17; 66:18). In fact, the return from exile is nothing short of a new heaven and a new earth (Isa. 65:17).

The New Creation

As the people of God were waiting for God to act and decisively end the exile, they were in reality waiting for the new creation, when God would make all things new. However, when we come to the New Testament, something surprising happens. The new creation arrives in the person and work of Jesus, but the chaos of the fallen creation is still present with us. As with many other parts of God’s saving plan, the new creation is both already and not yet.

The greatest judgment for sin was found at the cross. There, the sin of God’s people was placed on the Messiah, Jesus. (Isa. 53:6). Yet the decisive work of new creation began with the resurrection of Jesus. He is the firstborn from the dead, the beginning of God’s final new creation work (Col. 1:18). Though he is the firstborn from the dead, everyone who is united with him can look forward to sharing in his creation in the new creation (1 Cor. 15:20–23).

The new creation is a way of talking about God’s new work in redemption. But with the coming of Christ, it is not simply a step toward the promised new creation. The new creation is in some sense already present. This is why Paul could write, “ Therefore, if any one is in Christ, he is a new creation;[a] the old has passed away, behold, the new has come.” (2 Cor. 5:17). The work of Christ is the beginning of this new creation. Through his death, burial, resurrection, ascension, and present reign, Christ has brought the long-promised new creation into existence. We are truly living in the age of the new creation.

But when we look around at the world as we experience it now, it does not feel like we are living in the new creation. As we noted above, the Scriptures also teach us about the ongoing longing of the creation itself to be set free of its corruption. We look forward to the day when “the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay” (Rom. 8:21).

The new creation has come, but the creation itself continues to wait with eager longing. Living in this overlap of the ages should affect the way we see creation both now and in the future. Now, we can remember that God has remained committed to his creation through many judgments, both of individuals and whole nations (and, in the flood, the entire world). We ought to remember that the created world is not an afterthought. God is committed to removing its “bondage to decay.”

Consequently, we ought to care for God’s good world and seek to steward it well, just as he commanded Adam and Eve so many years ago. God intends not only to redeem disembodied people, but also the world itself.  However, we should guard against an ecological idealism in which we equate the good work of environmentalism with gospel ministry or the idea that our creation care will somehow usher in the new heavens and the new earth. The restoration of the creation is ultimately God’s work alone.

The New Heavens and New Earth

In Revelation 21, John paints a picture of the final consummation of the new creation. Heaven comes to earth, and the dwelling place of God in heaven and the dwelling place of his people on earth become one. It is a total transformation of the universe. There is no threat of another fall, for every sorrow and pain will be removed (Rev. 21:4). All of the dangers and threats of the old creation will be wiped away, because no sinful things are admitted to this new creation (v. 8). The creation will once again reflect the glory of God and be full of beauty that all people can enjoy (vv. 22–26). Death itself will be finally defeated, and God’s resurrected people will live forever, enjoying his good creation.

But of all the glories of the new creation, the greatest is God’s very presence among his people (vv. 3, 22–23). This very good creation is the place that God has always intended to dwell with his people. At the end of the story of redemption, God’s resurrected people will enjoy his presence once again to the fullest degree. The goal of God’s creation and new creation has always been the same: to glorify himself by providing a place where his people can enjoy him forever. And in the new creation, this goal will be accomplished for all of eternity.




Catechism Catch-Up


The Sacrament of Holy Orders (Priesthood)

Qualification For The Priesthood Is Absolute Dependence On God


Remember David and Goliath, that familiar Bible story we were taught about growing up? I smile as I remember the flannel board display of this childhood story. Maybe you can even recite how the story unfolds: The young David, with sling and stone in hand, walks up to Goliath, trusting God, and lets loose the shot that caused the huge giant to fall. (You can read about it in I Samuel 17.)

But the story of David and Goliath is so much more than flannel board and familiarity. It truly happened. It was a real war, with real men defending their own country. David was just a boy, never skilled or trained in war, and Goliath really was a fearful giant. Step out of the familiarity and put yourself in David’s shoes for a moment. Can you imagine how he must have felt when he spoke to his king about victory, only to have the king laugh in his face at his “youthful courage”?

Picture yourself in a battle for the first time, your countrymen watching you as you’re armed with what today would be a childhood toy. Hear the opposing troops chuckle as you pull out your slingshot and grab a stone from your pocket. Watch as some of your countrymen bow their heads in embarrassment as they see you ready your sling. The moment of truth is at hand. How sweaty your palms must be as they steady the shot. There’s no turning back now—this is all or nothing.

The story of David and Goliath is truly amazing! It’s a remarkable display not only of God’s faithfulness, but also of David’s incredible dependence upon the Lord. David did not rely on anything—not a weapon, not experience, nothing. The only thing he depended on was the ability, faithfulness and power of God. And that was enough! He killed the giant that day—not because of his strength or his plan, but because he was depending upon God to give him the victory.

God desires to do the same in our lives as well, if we would only trust, lean and rely fully upon Him.

Like David, we do not need to have a long list of credentials to qualify us to be used by God—simple dependence upon Him will do. Second Corinthians 4:7 says, “But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency may be of the power of God, and not of us.” The treasure spoken of in this verse is God within us. All the treasures of heaven are ours as a gift, to partake of and share with others but held in simple “earthen vessels”—you and me. One translation calls us “jars of clay.” God wants us and the world to know that the treasure, the power and everything good that flows out of our lives come from Him, not from us. The jar of clay cannot produce water in and of itself; it can only be used to pour out what it has been filled with. God’s treasures flow out of us as we depend upon Him, the source of all good things.

Even though we live in a world today in which people are professionals and specialists, with doctors trained to do only certain types of surgery and Ph.D.’s with a lot of knowledge in one specific area,

God still looks past credentials, searching above all else for a heart that will depend upon what He can do.

In fact, all throughout Scripture it seems God uses the foolish things of this world to confound the wise. That’s exactly what 1 Corinthians 1:27 says, “But the foolish things of the world hath God chosen, that he may confound the wise; and the weak things of the world hath God chosen, that he may confound the strong.” Numerous times, God finds an ordinary man or woman whose heart is fully dependent upon Him and works through that person in extraordinary ways, showing His power and might and bringing Him alone the glory and honor.

A classic biblical example of God using an ordinary person is found in the life of Noah. Scripture never mentions Noah having built a boat before. As far as we know he had absolutely zero qualifications to do so. But in Genesis 7:5, we find out why Noah was successful in the ark’s construction: “And Noah did all things which the Lord had commanded him.” Because Noah completely depended upon the Lord to show him what to do, the ark withstood 40 days of the greatest storm the world has ever known. The boat held up against all the beatings of the storm and finally came to rest, with all its animals safe and sound. The Titanic was built by men who knew what they were doing. It was specially designed by experts to be unsinkable. Men bragged about the wonderful ship they had built. Yet on its first voyage ever, it ran into an iceberg and went down in the Atlantic Ocean. Hundreds of men, women and children drowned in the ice-cold sea.

From David to Noah, we see that..

The only qualification to be used by God is absolute dependence on Him.

These men were simple, yielded vessels looking to God alone, never relying upon mere human strength, experience or skill. Because of that, God was able to display His greatness through their lives.

(If you fill you have a calling to the priesthood and would like to contact us about it, please contact us on our contact page or go to our religious vocation page at the VIE Website for direction, guidance, and questions.)



Living Catholic:

“God is a Spirit.” Thus, Jesus said to the woman at the well outside the village of Sychar. He went on to tell her “and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth” (John 4:24). This woman was focusing her attention upon the external forms of worship. Yet, the Lord Jesus was emphasizing to her that God is a Spiritual Being Who delights in spiritual worship.


God’s spiritual nature is emphasized throughout the Bible, from the Book of Genesis to the Book of Revelation.


In the opening verses of the Bible, we are introduced to the spiritual nature of the God of Heaven. “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the Spirit of God was moving over the face of the waters. And God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light.” (Genesis 1:1–3).


We know from Colossians that the Lord Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, was active in Creation. According to Colossians 1:16, “in him [Jesus] were all things created.” But just as the Son of God is eternal, so also the Spirit of God is eternal—and He was active in the creation of the world. The writer of Hebrews called the Holy Spirit “the eternal Spirit” (9:14).


Alongside the Father and the Son, the Spirit of God was active in Creation. The Hebrew word translated as “spirit” is רוּחַ (ruach). This same Hebrew word is also used to describe breath and wind. Just as the wind blows across the waters and generates wave motion and energy, so the Spirit of God “moves” upon our hearts to make the clay vessel of mankind vibrate with life!


This word for “spirit” is also the same word used to describe the moment when God “breathed” into the nostrils of Adam the breath of life, and man became a living soul. God is a Spiritual Being, and God has created man to respond to His divine Spirit. Unlike the rest of Creation, man has the capacity to worship his Creator “in spirit and in truth.”


God’s essential spiritual nature is the basis for the second commandment: “You shall not make for yourself a graven image” (Exodus 20:4). Because God is a Spiritual Being, He cannot be depicted in any bodily form or physical representation. This fact set the God of the Bible apart from the false gods of antiquity. Dagon, the god of the Philistines, was fashioned in the likeness of a fish. The gods of Egypt took the form of the ibis, the frog, the eagle, the calf, and other beasts, birds, and insects. The Egyptians even worshipped the dung beetle!


In stark contrast to ungodly darkness and humanistic paganism, the God of the Bible is spiritual, and He delights in spiritual worship.

It is impossible to fashion any image of God. If our more capacious souls cannot grasp his nature, our weaker sense cannot frame his image; it is more possible, of the two, to comprehend him in our minds, than to frame him in an image to our sense. He inhabits inaccessible light; as it is impossible for the eye of man to see him, it is impossible for the art of man to paint him upon walls, and carve him out of wood. None knows him but himself, none can describe him but himself.


If God were not spiritual, He could not be invisible; He could not be infinite; He could not be independent; He could not be immutable (unchangeable); and He could certainly not be omnipresent (everywhere at once)!


God’s nature as a Spiritual Being defines our worship as spiritual and gives us a hope beyond the death of the physical body to the hope of a glorious resurrection. God’s spiritual nature also makes the miracle of the Incarnation of Jesus Christ all the more significant. He Who is spiritual took on our bodily substance.


According to Hebrews 2:17, we learn this truth about our Lord Jesus, “Therefore he had to be made like his brethren in every respect, so that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in the service of God, to make propitiation for the sins of the people.” The eternal, spiritual Son of God took upon Himself our temporal, physical bodies. As a result of His Incarnation, we too will one day “put on incorruption” (I Corinthians 15:53–54) and share in His glories of His eternal and spiritual life. There are many mysteries here on earth and in Heaven that will one day be fully and gloriously revealed when we see Him face to face.


Until that day, we should be ever thankful that God is a Spirit, and we should be very careful to worship Him in spirit and in truth. Each of us should carefully examine our attitude toward God, worship, church, and toward religion in general. Are we truly worshipping a spiritual God in spirit and in truth? The call to the woman at the well then is still the same to us today: “The Father seeketh such to worship him.”



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